

Here is a list of immunisations so you know when to protect your child:

At birthBCG (for babies who are more likely to come into contact with TB than the general population)

Hepatitis B – to babies whose mothers have Hepatatis B.

2 monthsDiptheria, Pertussus, Tetanus,Polio, HIB – one injection. Also PCV (pneumo) – one injection.
3 monthsDTP, Polio, HIB – one injection. Also Men C – one injection.
4 monthsDTP, Polio, HIB – one injection and Men C – one injection. Also PCV
12 monthsHIB, Men C booster – one injection.
13/14 monthsMMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) – one injection. (usually before 15 months) and PCV – one injection.
3 – 5 yearsDTaP (Diptheria, Tetanus and Acellular Pertussus), Polio (for pre school entry) and MMR.
Girls 12/13 yearsHPV (3 in 6 months)
13 – 18 yearsDT (Diptheria and Tetanus) and Polio – one injection for school leavers
Adults over 45 years of age to discuss with the practice nurse.
Adults under 45 no booster required.

What is measles?

Measles is a highly infectious virus. Symptoms of measles may include:

  • Cold-like symptoms, such as a runny nose, sneezing and a cough
  • Watery eyes, swollen eyelids and red eyes that may be sensitive to light
  • A high temperature (fever), which may reach around 40oC (104oF)
  • Small greyish-white spots in the mouth
  • Tiredness, aches and pains, irritability and a general lack of energy

A measles rash appears around 2 to 4 days after initial symptoms and normally fades after about a week.

Measles is passed to others in the droplets of coughs or sneezes and easily infects families and communities if children and adults are unvaccinated.

People with measles are infectious from when the symptoms develop until about 4 days after the rash first appears.

Who’s most at risk?

Complications of measles are more likely to develop in certain groups of people. These include:

  • Babies younger than one years old
  • Children with a poor diet
  • Children with a weakened immune system (such as those with leukaemia)
  • Teenagers and adults

If you’re not immune to measles and become infected while you’re pregnant, there can be a risk to the baby.

Think measles, it’s not just a kids’ problem: measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) leaflet for young people

Is measles serious?

Measles can lead to serious complications such as liver infection (hepatitis), squints in the eyes, infection of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord (meningitis) or infection of the brain itself (encephalitis).

More common complications of measles include:

How can I protect myself and my children?

The MMR vaccine is safe and effective.  You can protect yourself and your family by having the MMR vaccine.  MMR vaccine is free on the NHS.

Why do I need two doses of MMR?

MMR vaccination requires two doses as one dose only protects 90 out of 100 people. That’s why a second dose is needed. The second dose boosts protection to almost 100 out of 100 people.

One dose is normally given within one month of a child’s first birthday, the other when they are three years and four months (with the pre-school booster).

However, if you, or your child, have not previously had two doses of MMR vaccination, please contact your GP Practice to arrange vaccination as soon as possible.

I am unsure if I have had two MMR vaccinations

If you are unsure whether you or child has had two MMR vaccinations, please contact your GP practice to check your vaccination history and they will be able to recommend MMR vaccination for you or your child if needed.

What if I or my children have already has measles?

If you or your child has already had Measles you will need the MMR vaccination as it provides protection from future mumps and rubella infections.

When to see your GP or healthcare provider

You should contact your GP or healthcare provider as soon as possible if you suspect that you or your child may have measles.

It’s best to phone before your visit as your GP surgery healthcare provider may need to make arrangements to reduce the risk of spreading the infection to others.

If you’re pregnant and think you have come into contact with someone with measles and you know you’re not immune, you should see your GP as soon as possible.

Book your appointment now at the surgery.