

Hypertension is also known as High Blood Pressure.

High blood pressure often causes no symptoms, or immediate problems. But it is a major risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease (conditions that affect the functioning of the heart and the circulation of blood around the body), such as a stroke or heart disease.

Our Hypertension Service aims to improve cardiovascular outcomes for patients who already have established hypertension or are newly diagnosed. Patients whose blood pressure (BP) are not on target are offered remote monitoring of their blood pressure. This can be done using an app or a home BP diary. BP Results received are reviewed by a clinician during the patient’s hypertension clinic appointment. These appointments can be via telephone or face to face.

Routine appointment for review (blood and urine tests, Blood pressure, weight, etc.), once a year around the birth month, is also offered for all patients with established hypertension.

We are offering our patients the Omron Viso app, which will support them with the remote management of hypertension. Watch video https://youtu.be/IKw1gk_S6DY to learn more.

Getting on the app and monitoring your BP can be done in five steps:

  1. Your smartphone should be on iOS 13.0/Android OS10 or later.
  2. Register with your details here https://www.omron-healthcare.co.uk/viso?unique_id=invite
    *Please only register with the details which are held by your GP practice, e.g., names, correct mobile number and email address.
  3. Download the Omron Viso App
    Google play CLICK HERE  or App Store CLICK HERE
  4. Log in with the same credentials used for NHS AppiPhone Screenshots
  5. Submit your readings.
    Purchase a recommended BP Monitor or loan one from the surgery then see our Guide to taking Blood pressure. Submit your monthly readings when prompted by the app, so our clinical team can review and optimise treatment when necessary. Click here [https://bihsoc.org/bp-monitors/for-home-use/] to view list of recommended BP Monitors.

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