During the Covid-19 pandemic Shore Medical is making changes to how we deliver healthcare to allow our patients to Stay at Home, Protect the NHS and Save Lives:

  • All surgeries are accessible for telephone and on-line consultation (eConsult).  Please do use eConsult whenever possible.
  • Whenever possible your concerns will be addressed by our administrative team, or you may be placed on our clinical assessment (“triage”) list
  • In this case a clinician will usually call by phone, and may ask you to take part in  a video consultation.  Please be sure to have your phone switched on be available for this call.
  • If absolutely necessary you may be asked to attend for a face to face assessment.  You may receive a further call from a doctor asking for more information.
  • Our sites are operating under strict infection control guidance, and the site that you are asked to attend will depend on your symptoms.
  • You will be asked to inform the surgery of your arrival but will be asked to then stay in your car until called and given further instructions.
  • In this situation you may well not see the clinician of your choice, as we have a large group of dedicated and experienced doctors and nurses.

Additional changes that are in place:

  • We are no longer accepting paper prescription requests- please use on-line services where possible.  If this is not possible then speak with your pharmacist or  telephone your usual surgery.
  • To maintain supply of medicines for all we are only able to issue standard quantities of prescription medication
  • We are not able to prescribe “just in case” medications such as paracetamol, antibiotics or inhalers (unless for patients with known asthma)
  • We are working with Poole and Bournemouth Hospitals and Dorset Healthcare to support the planning of care for vulnerable patients who have been in Hospital
  • We are making welfare calls to our vulnerable patients to ensure they are managing.  If you know of a patient of a Shore Practice who may need support please do contact their usual surgery.

All of these changes are in line with guidance and will be amended as the pandemic progresses.  We liaise closely with colleagues in Dorset and nationally.

The most important message remains the same – please do: