
Updated March 2025

Clinical Research

Clinical Research is a core function of the NHS which helps drive innovation and maintain high standards of patient care. Shore Medical takes part in research which enables us to offer our patients access to new and improved treatments, interventions and medicines which ultimately helps us to develop a wider evidence base across primary care.

Dr Alex Todd is our Research Lead at Shore Medical and he is supported by the Research Team which includes dedicated research nurses and a Project Co-ordinator. Everyone working on Research Studies has completed Good Clinical Practice for Research (GCP) training to ensure we comply with principles set out by the UK policy framework for health and social care research.

The Department of Health set up The National Institute for Health and Research (NIHR) to fund, enable and deliver world-leading health and social care research to improve people’s health and wellbeing and promote economic growth. At a local level, Shore Research works with the South West Research Delivery Network (RDN) which provides infrastructure and support to promote high quality research across our area. The NIHR CRN Primary Care Strategy clearly outlines how to promote and facilitate high quality research within the Primary Care setting. (NIHR Clinical Research Network Primary Care Strategy 24 Feb 2022 v1.0)

South West Central | NIHR RDN

The Adam PracticeWe also work with other local surgeries as part of a collaboration across Dorset as part of the Dorset Primary Care Clinical Research Group (DPCCRG) with the aim of increasing opportunities for our patients to take part in a wider range of studies. In particular, we work closely with The Adam Practice. This means that some of the studies we are taking part in may involve our research participants being seen at The Adam Practice. Shore research staff will see research participants at our Research Clinic at Lilliput surgery, or sometimes they may be seen by either Shore Research or Adam Practice Research teams at The Adam Practice research clinic at their Upton Surgery.


Please check the “Open Studies” tab for further details – studies run as part of this collaboration are marked with “DPCCRG Collaboration”

There are a number of ways in which you can become involved in research studies within Shore Medical;

  • The Research Team at the practice may look at your record to determine whether you are suitable to be invited for a research study. If you are identified as a suitable participant, a doctor or nurse may talk to you about a particular study relevant to your health and ask whether you would be interested in taking part. You may be sent information by SMS text, through the post or by email
  • You may read about studies on our website or in our waiting room
  • You can register an interest in becoming involved in research studies through the national Be Part of Research website, Be Part Of Research (

The studies we undertake have all received approval from the Health Research Authority (HRA) to ensure they are safe to perform. If studies involve a new medication or a new medical device, then they will also have been approved by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). Your participation is entirely voluntary, and you can withdraw from a research study at any time. Your care will not be affected in any way should you decide not to take part. The consent process ensures you receive clear information about what taking part would involve and you have the opportunity to ask questions and obtain further details.

Shore Medical is currently working with a research technology partner known as uMed. Their accredited platform enables us to provide you with research opportunities that are highly relevant to your health circumstances.

Without the use of uMed’s technology we may not have the time to find and engage patients that meet the requirements of the studies. This would therefore mean many patients would miss out on their chance to participate in ground-breaking research.

For further information on uMed please visit their website at or email

For research queries, please contact: or telephone 01202 545195

For further patient information please visit the NHS Health Research Authority website: Patient Data and Research leaflet – Health Research Authority (

Open Studies

Menstrual Migraine Study (DPCCRG collaboration)

This study is evaluating the safety, efficacy and tolerability of a new oral medication for the preventive treatment of menstrual migraine.

Female patients over 18 years old who have regular periods may be eligible if they suffer with menstrually-related migraine in approximately 2 out of 3 cycles.

The study consists of 3 phases; a 3 month screening phase where no study medication is taken, followed by a 3 month blinded phase where patients will be randomly assigned in to one of two groups; one will be treated with the drug, the other will be treated with a placebo, and another 3 month phase of “open label” where patients will receive the study drug. Patients will be seen at The Adam Practice and will need to commit to attending 8 study visits. In addition participants will be required to complete daily electronic questionnaires for the duration of the study.

Open: March 2025 – 2026

Rheacell Chronic Leg Ulcer study (DPCCRG collaboration)

This trial is investigating a new treatment approach with a so-far unapproved drug that could potentially be a good alternative for patients with chronic leg uclers (present for more than 12 weeks).

The aim of the study is to investigate the safety and efficacy of the new drug in treating leg ulcers. For comparison purposes, patients will be randomly assigned in to one of two groups; one will be treated with the drug, the other will be treated with a placebo.

Patients will be seen at The Adam Practice and will need to commit to attending 17 appointments over approximately 16 month study period. All study related measures are paid for by the sponsor, including travel costs, so that you do not incur any costs.

Open: March 2025 onwards

GedAcne Study (DPCCRG Collaboration)

The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a new gel to treat people who have acne on either their face or on their face and trunk. Patients who are between aged 9 – 50 years and are affected with acne vulgaris can be considered.

There are two studies running in parallel (at the same time) with this product.

The Pivotal B study runs for 3 months. Patients will be randomly assigned to either the study gel treatment or a placebo for 3 months. There are 5 study visits, which take place approximately every 4 weeks.

The Longterm Study runs for 1 year. This study is what we call “open label” which means every patient will receive the study gel. There are 8 study visits, which take place approximately every 4 weeks for the first 3 months, and then every 3 months.

Patients can decide whether they would prefer to be enrolled into the Pivotal B study or the Longterm study. Patients who start in the Pivotal B study can choose to continue into the Longterm study, and would enter this study once they have completed the 3 months treatment as part of the Pivotal B.

Patients will be seen at The Adam Practice. Travel costs will be reimbursed so that you do not incur any costs.

Open: March 2025 onwards


The COACH study is investigating the efficacy of cochlear implants compared to acoustic hearing aids in improving speech understanding in adults with severe hearing loss whose hearing score thresholds and/or speech scores fall outside the current criteria for cochlear implantation. Shore Medical will identify potentially eligible patients, and if interested, patients can respond to the trial team for further discussion.

Open: Oct 2024 onwards


Many parents of children with eczema worry that food allergy is the underlying cause. Some parents may restrict certain food without professional advice. This study is looking at whether dietary advice based on food allergy tests improve disease control compared with standard of care in young children with eczema (aged 3 months to 2 years).

Starting: Apr 2024
Ends: 2025


This study is for people over 50 years old and have just been diagnosed with Shingles. Some people can have “nerve pain” for months after the shingles rash has gone; this study is looking to see if giving a low dose of amitriptyline early on after shingles appears, can help to prevent the long-term nerve pain.

Started 2023
Ends: Ongoing


A study aiming to find the shortest antibiotic treatment duration needed to treat urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women effectively. It will also look at the impact of each antibiotic and treatment duration on antibiotic resistance in bacteria found in the patient’s urine.

Starting: June 2024
Ends: 2025

Studies closed to recruitment but still ongoing


This study is comparing different ways to test for fatty liver disease in patients with Type 2 Diabetes, compared to the usual standard of care. Patients will be randomised to have a liver scan at baseline, or after 12 months, and will also have a blood test and complete a short questionnaire.

Starting: Sept 2024 (enrolling for 3 months)
End: Dec 2024


Study to determine clinical & cost effectiveness and acceptability of replacing short-acting beta agonists inhalers containing salbutamol, with inhalers containing inhaled steroid/formoterol in patients with mild asthma treated with low dose inhaled steroid maintenance. The study will look at the time to first severe exacerbation of asthma

Starting: July 2024
Ends: 2025

FREEDM2 Study (DPCCRG Collaboration)

This randomised controlled study is being conducted to determine if use of the FreeStyle Libre 3 Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (intervention group) helps improve glucose control compared to self-monitoring of blood glucose (control group) in adults with Type 2 diabetes who use basal (long acting or background) insulin and other glucose lowering medications.

We are working on this as a collaboration between Shore Medical and The Adam Practice.

Starting: Aug 2023
Ends: Dec 2024

TEMPLE (DPCCRG Collaboration)

This is a randomised study evaluating the safety and tolerability comparing 2 different types of medication given as preventive treatment for migraine

We are working on this as a collaboration between Shore Medical and The Adam Practice.

Starting: Feb 2024
Ends: Sept 2024

6 in 1 Vaccine Study

This study is looking at evaluating a new immunisation dosing schedule for infants at 12 months and beyond. We are a Participant Identification Centre (PIC) for the Adam Practice, so any participants enrolled will be seen at their Upton Surgery for study visits.

Starting: Feb 2024
Ends: 2024

RCGP Research & Surveillance Centre Practice

This practice is one of over 1900 practices in England and Wales contributing pseudonymised data for national research and surveillance. This data enables continuous monitoring of infections and diseases in the community and is used in ethically approved research. The Oxford RCGP RSC is the main source of information for the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and helps with prediction and management of flu outbreaks and pandemics. Providing pseudonymised data does not affect patients, their care or privacy, however if you no longer wish to allow your information to be used please speak to your GP.

Studies coming up in 2024

Discover Me

This study aims to create a dynamic resource of demographic, health and genetic data to enable analyses to understand clinical disease progression and risk prediction in Primary Care. It aims to enrol up to 100,00 individuals across the UK. The study uses a platform which allows dynamic consent which allows patients to have control of, and actively engage in, their current and future participation in both the study itself and in future research.

Starting: 2025

Other Research Projects

Bowel Cancer Screening pilot

Although not a research study, Shore Medical is one of two practices in Dorset who have been invited to take part in a local pilot project co-ordinated by Wessex Cancer Alliance, called the Bowel Cancer Screening pilot.

The NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme invites everyone between 54 to 74 years for bowel cancer screening every 2 years. Screening is offered to people in this age group to try to find signs of bowel cancer at an early stage when there are no symptoms – this is when treatment can be more effective. People who are eligible are sent an invitation letter followed by a test kit (faecal immunochemical test or FIT) with instructions on how to use the FIT kit at home.

Not everyone completes or returns the FIT kits. The pilot project has been set up to invite people who have not completed their routine NHS bowel screening.

People who are registered with Shore Medical and are aged between 60-74 years old and who have not responded or completed their FIT kit will be contacted by either text, email or via a telephone call to discuss the pilot and invite them to complete a FIT kit.

Starting: March 2025
Ends: May 2025

Results from Previous Studies

We will post updates and/or results from studies we have worked on in the past, as and when this data becomes available to us.

With larger studies, results may not be published for several months after the last participant has finished their last involvement in the study.

If you are interested in finding out any further information about any of our studies, or simply would like to ask us what is involved in taking part in research, please contact the Shore Research Team at Lilliput on 01202 545195.

Taking part in research is always voluntary, but discovering new treatments and medication, how they work and what works best, cannot progress without the valuable contribution of our patients. Thank you to all those who take part.

Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD)

Shore Medical is signed up to CPRD, this is a real-world research service supporting retrospective public health and clinical studies. CPRD is jointly sponsored by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency and National Institute for Health and Research, as part of the Department of Health and Social Care. CPRD collects anonymised patient data from a network of GP practices across the UK. For more than 30 years, research using CPRD data and services has informed clinical guidance and best practice, resulting in over 2,800 peer-reviewed publications investigating drug safety, use of medicines, effectiveness of health policy, health care delivery and disease risk factors. CPRD only receives and supplies anonymised patient data and complies with robust ethics, governance and security regulatory frameworks.