

Any change to your lifestyle may affect on your health. Making positive lifestyle changes can be a challenge, but the effects and results of such a change can be highly benificial to your overall wellbeing. Such changes such as imroving diet, maintaining a healthy weight, stopping smoking, drinking moderately and exercising regularly are all platforms to help you on the way to taking control of your health. It may seem daunting to trying an improve everything at once, so setting small goals with a clear plan of what you want to achieve is key in making a lifestyle change. Making changes will ultimnately be easier if you change one thing at a time, rather than changing everyhting at one. Try to think of any change as a evolution of your lifestyle, not a absolute resolution. The most extreme changes we try to make in out life are often the most unsustainable.

Below are some printable information sheets that provide hints and tips to help you make these lifestyle changes. Also please remember, you do not have to do these changes alone. The nursing staff here at the surgery would like to support you in any decision to improve your health, so please contact the surgery and book an appointment with one of the practice nurses for any extra help and guidance.

Printable Information Sheets

Healthy Living: Alcohol
Can I Do It?   Yes You Can!
Healthy Living: Exercise Guide for 19-64 Year Olds
Healthy Living: Exercise Guide for the Over 65’s
Healthy Eating: Fats
Healthy Eating: Fruit and Vegetables
Healthy Eating: Salt