Private Fees & Charges

Updated April 2024

Not all services provided are paid for by the NHS.  You will be informed if there is a fee for the service you request.   Some fees may be paid by the local authority or your employers but on occasion you will be charged by the Practice.

Please see our Services and Fees below by clicking the Plus button

Concessionary Travel Token£15.00
Declaration of Health Form£30.00
Driving Licence Photograph Certification£30.00
Firearms Certificate£60.00
Freedom from Infection Certificate£30.00
Naturalisation Forms£30.00
Private (Non-NHS) Clinicians Letter (Short)£30.00
Private (Non-NHS) Clinicians Letter (Long)£45.00
Private Medical Insurance Claim Form (BUPA/PPP)£45.00
Private Sick Note£30.00
School Fees Insurance Claim Form£30.00
Seat Belt Exemption Certificate£30.00
Sickness Accident Insurance Benefit Claim Form£30.00
Clinical tests – Paternity, Each Patient£45.00
Clinical tests – Private Blood Test£45.00
Clinical tests – Private ECG£85.00
Cremation Fees – Part 1£82.00
DVLA – DVLA to pay (re-test)£40.00
DVLA – Fitness to drive report£45.00
DVLA Medical – Patient to pay£102.00
Medical Report – Covid Pass£30.00
Medical Report – Medical Consultation (10 min)£45.00
Medical Report – Additional Questions for Life Assurance£35.00
Medical Report – Adoption Medical£85.00
Medical Report – Army Medical£70.00
Medical Report – Character Reference£60.00
Medical Report – Child Minding Health Medical£75.00
Medical Report – Comprehensive Examination and Report (45 min)£185.00
Medical Report – Consultation following RTA£65.00
Medical Report – Court Protection Certificate CP3£75.00
Medical Report – Covid Recovery£30.00
Medical Report – Detailed Written Report, no exam (30 min)£145.00
Medical Report – Disability Allowance Exam£40.00
Medical Report – DS1500 Attendance Allowance Claim£17.00
Medical Report – Elderly Driver Fitness Certificate£45.00
Medical Report – Extracts from Records (15 min)£45.00
Medical Report – Fitness for Sports Medical£45.00
Medical Report – Fitness to Attend School Exam & Report£55.00
Medical Report – Full Motor Sport Medical£110.00
Medical Report – GPR£104.00
Medical Report – GPR£89.00
Medical Report – Health Club Patient Fitness to Exercise Report£45.00
Medical Report – HGV Medical (D4, Lorry, Bus, Minibus)£90.00
Medical Report – Housing Report (no examination)£26.50
Medical Report – Housing Report with Examination£45.00
Medical Report – HSE Dive Medical (first)£180.00
Medical Report – HSE Dive Medical (renewal)£150.00
Medical Report – Independent Assessment Service GP Factual Report£45.00
Medical Report – Legal Report£180.00
Medical Report – Letter£30.00
Medical Report – Life Assurance Report£85.00
Medical Report – Mental capacity assessment (inc visit and letter)£145.00
Medical Report – Mental Health Part 2 Approved GP/General£180.00
Medical Report – Offshore Medical (MLS)£95.00
Medical Report – Police MG11 Statement£31.50
Medical Report – Pre-Employment Medical/Life Ins (30 min)£120.00
Medical Report – Private Pre-Employment Medical (30 min)£135.00
Medical Report – Private Temp Patient Consultation£65.00
Medical Report – Private Temp Patient Immunisation£55.00
Medical Report – Pro Forma Report no exam (20 min)£75.00
Medical Report – Removal of Pacemaker for Undertakers£85.00
Medical Report – Sports Dive Medical (PADI)£90.00
Medical Report – Taxi Driver Medical£85.00
Medicals – Boat Masters Licence£85.00
Medicals – DVLA Medical (DVLA to pay)£102.09
Medicals – DVLA Medical (Patient to pay)£85.00
Medicals – Fitness for Sports Medical£50.00
Medicals – Full Motor Sport Medical£125.00
Medicals – ML5 Seafarer Medical (general item)£100.00
Medicals – Offshore Medical (MLS)£90.00
Medicals – PADI Dive Medical£70.00
Medicals – Sports Dive Medical (PADI)£90.00
Travel – Fitness to Travel Detailed Certificate£45.00
Travel – Fitness to Travel Simple Certificate£35.00
Travel – Holiday Cancellation Certificate/Insurance Claim£40.00
Travel – Private prescription for Drugs solely for Travel Abroad£25.00
Travel – Repatriation Report (Insurance Companies)£135.00
Travel – Vaccination Certificate£25.00
Vaccinations – Chicken Pox Vac 12m – 1 Dose£75.00
Vaccinations – Chicken Pox Vac 1yr + 2 doses£150.00
Vaccinations – Combined Diphtheria, Tetanus & Polio£45.00
Vaccinations – Hepatitis A£70.00
Vaccinations – Hepatitis A & B (Initial vaccination PLUS 2 boosters)£267.00
Vaccinations – Hepatitis B (£60 per dose) x 3£180.00
Vaccinations – Japanese Encephalitis (£149 per vaccination) x 2£298.00
Vaccinations – Junior Hepatitis A£35.00
Vaccinations – Meningitis ACWY£60.00
Vaccinations – Private Flu Vaccination£30.00
Vaccinations – Private Pneumonia (Pneumococcal)£65.00
Vaccinations – Rabies (£89 per vaccination) x 3 (RABIPUR)£267.00
Vaccinations – Rabies (£149 per vaccination) x 3 (VERORAB)£447.00
Vaccinations – Shingles Vaccination (Over 50’s only)£239.00
Vaccinations – Tick-Bourne Encephalitis (£74.00 per vaccine) x 2£148.00
Vaccinations – Typhoid£45.00
Vaccinations – Typhoid & Hepatitis A Combined£85.00
Vaccinations – Yellow Fever£84.00